Why has Sibaya outperformed its neighbouring counterparts? In just over 3 years, this node has transformed into one of South Africa’s best performing residential precincts.
The greater vision
The Sibaya Coastal Precinct has been designed to create a city of the future. Part of the vision of the Sibaya Coastal Precinct is to seamlessly integrate modern living, safety and access to the breath-taking natural assets which make the precinct so unique. The goal for Sibaya was to create approximately 12 000 homes and in turn it has already created over 5000 jobs and on completion will create over 270,000 temporary jobs and 30,000 permanent jobs. There’s no denying that Sibaya is a catalytic node.
Sound support
Sibaya is supported by The Sibaya Master Management Association, which is the concept of Urban Management. The concept of a securely managed precinct was really something that was pioneered within KZN and one of the reasons why the KZN property market has performed so well in certain areas. In the context of Sibaya, this Management Association plays their part in working with the Municipality, maintaining the area and ensuring it is secure. They focus on creating an experience for those who live, work or visit the area.
Making the first mark
Devmco Group were the first developers to launch an estate within Sibaya, which was OceanDune. This was a bold move considering when the estate launched there was only sand and sugar cane. This developer has entrenched themselves in the precinct and have now completed over 500 sectional title units and handed over a further 200 freehold stands.
There are so many different role players within the Precinct who have helped make it the success that it is today. Be sure to watch the full webinar and keep updated with news of our next.